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What's next?

We found our dream.

We know getting there will be hard work.  Maybe the hardest work we’ve ever done.

We know people we care about and those that care about us, will advise us to give up and not go for it. It’s not in the cards for us, so they say. We know we’ll encounter many other distractions. Knowing all this, is it any wonder we hesitate in moving forward?

In spite of what’s against us, we decide to give it ago! So, what’s next? Or better yet we need to find the time to do that something different. What will we not do so we have the time to do what we must? No one can tell us what goes. Each must decide THAT for ourselves. They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. What if we make it easy as can be for ourselves and decide to set aside 15 minutes a day to begin our journey? What can we do that will that will benefit us and moves us along our journey? I would like to suggest we use that time reading something inspirational. Something that will put us in a proper frame of mind for our journey. Further, I would suggest a book called “High Performance Habits”by Brendon Burchard. Guess what? We can get the book free. The book has a value of $49! Here is the link to get the book free. https://brendon.mykajabi.com/p/hph-book-step-1 Once we get the book, just read it for 15 minutes each day.

Have a wonderful day!

Ted Davis

About the Author

Ted V. Davis

I’m a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. Although these are important, it’s my purpose that drives my life and has become my passion.

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