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dream of success

What's My Dream of Success?

Good question to ask ourselves?

The answer is sometimes difficult to put into words.

For many people the quick and easy answer is plenty of money!

But is it the right answer?

Many of us think if I had the money all things are possible to bring into being.

What would all that money bring us?

If I had the money I would:

  1. Pay off all my debt.
  2. Take that dream vacation.
  3. Purchase my dream home.
  4. Purchase the car I’ve always wanted.
  5. Send my children to the college of their choice.
  6. Help out extended family members and friends.
  7. And anything else we can think of.

And I would be on top of the world!!!

But would we?

If this is true, then, how come most lottery winners are right back where they were before winning it within 3 years?😭😭😭

I believe the answer lies in lottery winners remain the person they were before winning it.

This is the reason, I believe, most people must go through all the trials and tribulations on the way to earning all that money. It is in plowing through adversity that we become the person capable of handling all that money.

In my last blog, we decided to “Go for it!”

So how do we go for it?

Like most things in life, the answer is simple. Notice I didn’t say easy. Getting there is never easy.

The answer is simply “to get what we want, we must help other people get what they want.” Jim Rohn.

Success in any business and in life comes by helping others get what they want.

Each of us need to decide the how and who we want to help.

However, there is a caveat. We can only help those people who want to be helped and with what we have to offer.

Why? Walk up to someone and offer to give them $1,000,000. Most will ask what bank do they have to rob to get the money. Or something akin to it. They want to know the price they have to pay first. If they decide the price is too high, they will decline the offer.

Have you ever gotten a phone from someone who says “Congratulations! You’ve just won several million dollars. All you have to do is pay a $400 processing fee.”  Most people know this is a scam. However, there are those few that pay the price, but never get the money. The person offering the prize lied to them. I’ve gotten such calls and I tell them to take the processing fee out of my winnings. I’m told that’s not how this works. I tell them I have all the money I could ever want and am not interested. They hang up. They just call someone else, knowing some will pay the fee.

You see help those wanting our help and willing to pay the price, is the way to get what we want.

The next blog will be about how to learn and know what our dream really is and not what we think it is.

Have a wonderful day!

Ted Davis

About the Author

Ted V. Davis

I’m a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. Although these are important, it’s my purpose that drives my life and has become my passion.

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