About Ted V. Davis

Each of us searches our life seeking to discover our “Life’s Purpose.” “Our reason for being here.” A few years back, I discovered mine. It’s very simple. My purpose is, “To enjoy my life in this world created by God and to help others to do the same.” Each of these two aspects of my purpose are equally important. I must have enjoyment to nourish me so that I have the energy to help others. Helping others also nourishes me. This is all one needs to know about me.
Yes, I’m a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. Although these are important, it’s my purpose that drives my life and has become my passion.
I believe in being kind, expressing gratitude and appreciation, and easing the load on the shoulders of others. I believe these things help make the world a better place.
I’m using this blog to sort through some thoughts about life and how I can become a better me. By sharing, perhaps it will not only help me, but provide the reader with food for thought about themselves.
I hope the reader doesn’t take what I say to be what everyone should think, say or do, but only see if any of what I say has value for them. If it does please use it. If it doesn’t, please let it lie here on the page.